Public relations, marketing and promotion

With our sharp market sense, we are dedicated to offer tailor-made, comprehensive and creative public relations, marketing and promotion services to our clients. With a strong relationship with the media, we are able to effectively strengthen public relations, awareness and fondness of our clients’ brands and products, hence bring them closer with their target customers. This helps to further solidify the existing customer group as well as to win the support of new customers.

Our services include:
  • Building and promoting brand image, value and popularity
  • Business positioning and strategy
  • Below the line” advertising
  • Proposal and development of public relations opportunities
  • Media relations strategy and management
  • Regular and continuous public relations services
  • Business promotion support
  • Planning, production and event management of promotion activities including large-scale promotion events, opening events, press conferences, media banquets, VIP banquets, fashion shows, exhibitions, concerts, seminars, conferences, workshops, etc.
  • Copywriting, editing and distribution of press releases and information
  • Liaison and arrangement of artists, celebrities, models, performance groups, MCs, etc.
  • On-site photography and video-shooting
  • Media report

Publication and distribution

Our over 20-year experience in copywriting, editing, design, production and distribution allows us to understand the needs of our clients. We are especially proficient at making use of the combination of words and images to accurately express and deliver the information of our clients. Together with our artistic layout design and production, the image, philosophy and character of our clients and their products are fully enhanced. With profound experience in publishing in Hong Kong and Mainland China, we can provide ISBN and ISSN that are required for issuing publications in Hong Kong and overseas, as well as the registered publication numbers required in Mainland China. Our established distribution network covers Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Mainland China. In order to guarantee maximum exposure of our publications, our distribution network extends from conventional retail spots such as book stores, bookstands, supermarkets and conventional stores, to clubs, restaurants, education centres, schools and clinics, so as to reach target customers through the most effective channels, leading to the most effective promotion.

Our services include:
  • Copywriting and editing
  • Layout design
  • Interview and on-site reporting
  • Translation
  • Application for ISBN and ISSN
  • Photo shooting
  • Video shooting
  • Production of promotional items including catalogues, booklets, posters, leaflets, websites, etc.
  • Book production
  • Publishing
  • Sale distribution
  • Free copies distribution

Visual design and production

From the preliminary conception process to design, preparation of layout and production, Trinity International Limited answers to the needs of our clients in every single step.

Our professional team is capable of concretizing and visualizing an abstract idea into actual production with aesthetic tastes and commercial elements, and to deliver such idea to customers through our exquisite sense of art and creativity. Our production guarantees top-quality standard to carry out the consistent and bright image of our clients.

Media Sale

From planning, design, production, placement and management, internationally recognized media tools are to be used to support our clients’ sales and distribution target. Planning and distribution are based on thorough understanding of the fundamental market trends, high-quality strategies and operation mode. At the same time, we also serve as an advertising and promoting agent to provide our clients with more comprehensive, one-stop advertising services.